In the prestigious setting of the Villa Gaby, over 130 experts from France, Canada, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Switzerland gathered to discuss the latest innovations, particularly in robotics and oncology, as well as future developments in AI and digital twins. Debates on the benefits of radiotherapy vs. interventional radiology were friendly and lively.
Many thanks to the participants and speakers for their contribution during this edition! 👏
The next meeting is already set: November 20 & 21, 2025!
Vincent Vidal FAIREMBO, Alexis Jacquier, Jean-Yves Gaubert, Gilles Soulez, (Montréal, Canada) D. C. Sharma (Hyderabad, Inde), Attila Kovács (Bonn, Allemagne), Pavan Najran (Manchester, Royaume-Uni), Paul Lohle (Tilburg, Pays-Bas), Vania TACHER (Créteil), Prof. Dr. Romaric LOFFROY, MD, PhD, EBIR, FCIRSE, FESGAR Chairman Professor of Radiology (Dijon), Boris Guiu (Montpellier), Farouk Tradi (Marseille), Maxime Sermesant (Nice), Dr. Eyal Morag (Tel Aviv, Israël), Herbreteau Denis (Tours), Olivier Seror (Paris), Jérôme Soussan (Marseille), Laetitia PADOVANI (Marseille), Pierre-Antoine BARRAL (Marseille), Nicolas Villard (Lausanne, Suisse), Alban Denys (Lausanne, Suisse), Roberto Luigi Cazzato, MD, PhD (Strasbourg), Jessica Assouline (Paris)
#FIRE2024 #radiologie