Member management

Financial management

Meetings and Assemblies

Our dedicated department manages the secretarial duties of scientific associations and societies, for up to 6,000 members. Our headquarters are based at Villa Gaby, Marseille (France).
The successful governance of our associations requires a multidimensional approach taking into account human, financial and legal resources. We use a personalized approach adapted to the needs and values of our clients to ensure that their association can adjust to its members and its environment.
We offer solutions for association management including: administrative, executive and financial management, communication strategy, membership management, grants, elections, but also planning of meetings, conferences and other events (courses, webinars, …).
Educational events in the form of e-workshops, webinars, webcasts, live broadcasts, … Our experience shows that these types of services are very efficient, and provide tangible benefits to subscribed members. We recommend the use of these training tools to the societies and associations we manage, in order to bring together national and international scientific communities.
To have a 360° vision of the management of an association, we also work internally with a team of communication and webmasters who assist us in the implementation of a communication plan, the deployment of a website and the management of social networks. An online presence is crucial for member engagement, it is a valuable tool to attract younger generations and determine the future success of any organization.




courses & webinars

We create custom-made websites dedicated to the events we organize but we can also assist our clients in the management of their associative website. Here are some examples of websites that were developed for our clients.

Société Francophone d'Arthroscopie

European Microscopy Society

International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society

Société Française d'Orthopédie Pédiatrique

Société Française de Neurochirurgie

Samu - Urgences de France

Société Française des Microscopies