The agenda is currently being managed in French. You’ll find hereunder a list of the next meetings that we will organize:
EFAS Instructional Course
MIE 2025 – Medical Informatics Europe
Groupe Francophone d’Hématologie Cellulaire
Les journées de printemps de l’AFCP
EFAS Ankle degenerative arthritis, Osteotomy, Arthrodesis and Artroplasty
4ème Journée Raphaëloise de Dermatologie Infectieuse
36e Journées de Printemps de la Société d’Imagerie Thoracique
Congrès de la SIFEM
72e Congrès de la Société Française de Chirurgie Orale
Urgences 2025
If you have any question about one of these events or if you find an error or a missing information, feel free to contact us.
Trainings intended for
for healthcare professionals
Prerequisites and audiences: these courses are intended for qualified healthcare personnel or those in training.
Access to a training course is authorized to any person whose registration has been validated.
Methods used:
- Alternating theoretical contributions and practical exercises
- Provision of the necessary educational resources
Evaluation of acquired knowledge:
- For each training course, participants are evaluated via a pre-test and a post-test.
Trainings intended for
for non-healthcare professionals
Prerequisites and audiences: each training course is intended for professionals specialized in the theme related to the training.
Access to the training is authorized to any person whose registration has been validated.
Methods used:
- Alternating theoretical contributions and practical exercises
- Provision of the necessary educational resources
Evaluation of acquired knowledge:
- For each training course, participants are evaluated via a pre-test and a post-test.